Below is information you should know before booking, but here is a link to more detailed terms you’ll be asked to sign upon registering for a tour.
Register for the tour of your choice by sending a deposit (deposit amount varies per tour) and registration form. As we specialize in small-group tours, registration is on a first-come basis.
We accept payments by check or money order (in US dollars) to our PO Box, by bank/wire transfer, through VENMO (@beth-whitman) or by credit/debit card via PayPal ([email protected]). You do not need a PayPal account to pay this way – you can simply login as a guest. Alternately, we’d be delighted if you paid by check, wire or Venmo as it cuts down on our costs. Please send checks to:
PO Box 16102
Seattle, WA 98116
Once the initial deposit is made, the balance can be paid in increments, if desired. Final payment is usually due 60 days prior to departure but this depends on the tour. A final invoice will be sent to you, by email, shortly before the due date.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation fees come into effect at time of deposit. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance to protect your investment.
We have now partnered with Travel Insured International so that you have the ability to purchase “cancel for any reason” insurance. We HIGHLY recommend this option on your travel insurance policy (no matter who your provider is) to protect your travel investment from any future issues.
Cancellation charges vary by tour. If you cancel your booking, it will result in the following charges:
More than 90 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of $200–$500, depending on tour
61 – 89 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of full deposit
30 – 60 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of 50% of total price
Less than 30 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of 100% of total price
Morocco Tour Cancellation charges
61 – 89 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of full deposit
Less than 60 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of 100% of total price
Ireland Tour Cancellation charges
More than 90 days prior to departure: Forfeiture of $400
Within 75 – 89 days prior: Forfeiture of full deposit
Less than 74 days prior: Forfeiture of 100% of total price
Baja Whales & Kayaking Cancellation charges
30 – 90 days: Forfeiture of full deposit
Less than 30 days: Forfeiture of 100% of total price
Refunds Due
Any refunds will be sent by check within two weeks of our receiving written notification of your cancellation (email notification is fine). We will respond via email and ask for confirmation of your mailing address for any refunds. Address must be confirmed within six months, otherwise expect forfeiture of deposit.
Note: If Beth is traveling when you cancel, it may take longer than two weeks to get your refund check out to you. She’ll mail it as soon as she returns to the U.S.!
Single Share Program
Our Single Share Program is for travelers (of the same sex) who are traveling on their own but who are interested in sharing with another single traveler, thus avoiding paying the single supplement.
We do our best to find a share for those who request this option (based on a first-come basis). However, if no other single books, you must be willing to pay the single supplement. In other words, although we’d love to, we can’t guarantee a match with another traveler.
Your single share will not be confirmed until everyone on the tour has made their final payment.
Please note that it is not our preference to include a single supplement fee, but, unfortunately, we are charged this by hotels at all of our destinations. If we were to eliminate this fee, we’d have to raise the tour cost for every participant.